Neon Tetra

- Scientific Name: Paracheirodon innessi
- Size: 1-1.5 inches
- Life Expectancy: 6-8 years
- Diet: Omnivore
- Nature: Peaceful
- Temperature: 21-27°C
- pH: 6.0 - 7.0
- Schooling: Yes, 6+. (Minimum 16 Gallons)
These tetras sport vibrant blue bodies with a striking red stripe from belly to tail. While small and unassuming, these hardy critters have low care needs. However, they still have high energy requirements and will spend the better part of a day darting around the tank in a shoal. These fish swim in the middle of the water column and enjoy playing and hiding in underwater vegetation. The more comfortable a neon tetra feels in its environment, the less frequently the fish will hide. In the wild, neon tetras live in tropical flowing waters, with dense vegetation that includes floating plants and roots. You should replicate this habitat in the tank by providing low-light hiding places for your neon tetra.