Cory Catfish

- Scientific Name: Corydoras paleatus
- Size: 1-4 inches
- Life Expectancy: 3-5 years
- Diet: Omnivore (bottom feeders)
- Nature: Peaceful
- Temperature: 21-25.5°C
- pH: 5.5 - 7.0
- Schooling: No (Minimum 10 Gallons)
These bottom-dwelling catfish are one of the best community fish out there – they survive in most conditions, get along with virtually everything and are active and diurnal, meaning hours of fun. While they’re not schooling fish, feel free to place them in schools of 4-5, for a sense of security for the fish. They aren’t picky eaters, so feel free to choose between flakes and pellets, but do ensure these sink to the bottom before other fish nab it before these corys can. Because of their docile nature, keep Corys only with other peaceful species such as Tetras, Mollies, Plecos, and Danios.