What is an aquarium?

The earliest aquarium was opened in 1853 as part of London Zoo. Since then, aquatic vivariums and terrariums have transitioned into a hobby enjoyed by all, regardless of environment or background. They can be scaled up and down to fit in everything from city apartments to mansions.

Plus, they are inherently sealed environments, so they do not require you to make any changes to the rest of your home like some other pets may. Hence, they are easy to add to any home and give you a companion.

In this introduction, we'll be talking about 3 big concepts in the field of aquariums:
  • Water Salinity - Freshwater, Brackish water and Saltwater
  • Nitrogen Cycle - The system of nitrogen-based compounds that can be dangerous if not managed properly
  • Phosphate Cycle - The system of phosphate-based compounds that are important to manage in an aquarium